Northfield Depot 3D Model

For the midterm, I created a 3D model of the Northfield Depot. The images used to create this model were taken and provided by Austin Mason. I imported all of these images into MetaShapePro and generated a sort of rough-draft sparse cloud 3D model of the Depot.

I cleaned it up as much as I could and then generated the dense cloud. Generating the dense cloud took a lot longer than expected. I knew that this step would be time consuming but I really couldn’t anticipate the extent of this. After letting MetaShapePro run overnight, I checked back in the morning to find that the dense cloud was still not finished processing. It was close, however. After a bit more waiting it was finally complete and I was able to continue cleaning up the model and deleting unnecessary data.

Here are some more images of my dense point cloud model:

Following the previous steps, I would have built a texture mesh. However, that proved to be just as time consuming as building the dense point cloud, so due to time limitations I was not able to export and embed a finished 3D model on this page.
